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Hello, I just came across your game.

Very R-Type and iRem games inspired, great work.

Looking forward to your next game, may I suggest

I am having touble using my wireless Xbox One wireless controller with the PC dongle, I also attempted XBox 360 wireless controller with PC dongle.

Both simply do not work with Remote Life v1.4, for me.

Both controllers work perfectly on every other game, excep this one.

As I enter the menu and attempt to configue the game to use the controlers there is simply no response to these controlers only mouse and keyboard work and I just can able to use the keyboard.

Please help me find the solution.

Best regards.

Hi, thank you for this information. I will try to understand why this happend. It sounds like a Driver Issue . If I have news to solve your problem I will contact you. Thank you for playing Remote Life ! :)

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I forgot to add the suggested games for you to do next.

Turrican this has had sequels but is

Gunlord X

There is a modern version that started on homebrew Dreamcast now available on Nintendo Switch.

Stunt Car Racer this was crazy fun

Someone made an updated modern version but this is as far as it got. I have attempted to contact the maker but I am unable to see any way to conatct them.

Walker by DMA who later made GTA, your Remote Life game is very similar and could be adapted.

Thank you again for your help.

That was a great experience, I would love to play the whole thing.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer